Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Crew Spotlight: Kyle Gleisner

We've been away for a little while but we're back!  And this week we're introducing you to one of our Directors of Photography, Kyle Gleisner.
Kyle with editor Richard Chew

     Kyle is a senior at Wayne State University.  He is dual majoring in Film Production and Photography.  A lover of Indian food and internet arguments, Kyle's plan for after graduation:  Get. A. Job.  Currently he is working on Film 101:  The Story Often Told Metaphorically.

How did you get involved with the Michigan Creative Film Alliance?
I learned about the MCFA from several friends that worked on the previous year's project and decided to apply.  I really wanted to gain some set experience and see what I was capable of.

What is your role with Beauty Queen?
Taylor Stanton and I were Beauty Queen's Directors of Photography.  We collaborated with each other, our director, and gaffer to come up with the look of the film.  We oversaw the camera and lighting departments, planned shot lists, and operated cameras with the help of Mitch Haba and Caitlyn Northcutt, our awesome ACs!

Kyle on the set of Beauty Queen
Do you think that working on Beauty Queen has helped you learn more about your craft?
Immensely.  Besides being able to exercise my photographic muscles for two straight weeks (not including pre-production), I learned so much about the dynamics of a set, and even more importantly how to conduct professional relationships between the departments and people.  Also, working with Taylor and Walter Lin, our talented gaffer, was really a privilege.  The thing I learned about light and composition in those two weeks wouldn't have been possible without them.

What is the most valuable thing you're taking away from being a part of Beauty Queen?
Truthfully, at the risk of sounding more than a little cheesy, the most valuable things I've taken from the MCFA have been the personal and professional relationships I've made with everyone.  I don't think I've ever made that many food friends in such a short time before.  I'm already working on new projects with some of the people I met on Beauty Queen.  Yay, networking!

What is your favorite memory from this project?
Hollywooding blackout material over a two story window in the August heat with the grip and electric team, climbing the catwalks with camera and tripod in the Harper Woods High School's auditorium, "ghost hunting" in the DMC, and of course...90's power hour!

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